To provide simple knowledge on change mechanisms and how to overcome resistance while maintaining the mobilization of the PS stakeholders (board members, employees and members) in the change process.
A few training sessions and several mentoring and coaching activities to bind with the day-to-day activities of PSs. The package offered is therefore made of classroom training and follow-up sessions (Mentoring/Coaching).
Maximum no. of participants per training is 20.
Minimum no. of participants per training is 10.
Training sessions: 3 sessions (4 Hours each)
Coaching sessions: 3 sessions (4 Hours each)
**2-4 weeks gap between each session
Structured Training Programs
Customized Training Programs
Rs. 9,970.00
per person for total package including meals, venue and training materials
Rs. 7,610.00
per person for total package including meals, venue and training materials
Assistant Director (Coop)
Center for Cooperative and Community Studies (CCCS)
Paragammana, Hettimulla,
Tel: 035 492 7772
Mob: 0712 063 205