Photography Event
It's time for a new challenge...!!!
Are you good at mobile photography ???
Then this is to show your talents...
About the campus
The SANASA movement originated with the revitalization of the Thrift and Credit Co-operative Society of Walgama in the Kegalle District of Sri Lanka in February 1978 under the visionary leadership of Dr.P.A Kiriwandeniya, the incumbent Chairman and Managing Director of the SANASA Campus Ltd. It expanded rapidly across the country during the first two decades. The 936 societies that formed the core of the movement in 1980 increased steadily and there are more than 8400 SANASA primary societies in the country at present. These primary societies are linked together with 35 District Unions and the SANASA Federation functioning as the Apex body of the movement.
The CSU consists of following divisions and was established to attend matters connected to finance, student welfare, general maintenance and security of the Campus premises.
General Administration and Student Welfare section is under an Assistant Registrar. Duties connected to student and staff residence, Maintenance & Utility Services, Security and other general matters are performed by this Unit.
Finance Unit is responsible in making all payments and collect revenue due to the Campus. The general store is also under this unit for distributing articles, equipment and supplies required by Faculties, Departments and Units. A Bursar is in charge of the Unit.
The campus promotes the formation of various societies and associations at faculty-wise or discipline oriented or of general interests. Wherever possible, the campus will assist those activities. All associations formed will, therefore, be registered by the administration. Currently, the following societies are functioning at the level of faculty: Rational Thinkers Society
Two senior academic staff members have been appointed as Student Counselors of the faculty. Students are advised to get their assistance in times of personal difficulties.
ICT Center of the Campus has been designed to impart knowledge on Information Technology for students to meet the challenges in modern world by making use of computers in their relevant fields. The ICT Center is currently equipped with about 24 workstations to access the internet and for course work of the students of three departments.
Some information necessary for students is provided through the University web page ( Equipment including web and e-mail servers, multimedia projectors, laser printers, dot-matrix printers, ink-jet printers, scanners, digital cameras, a video camera and heavy-duty on-line UPS systems help the unit to provide all infrastructure necessary facilities to students. The regular opening hours of the unit are from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm; however, an extended service shall be provided upon request by the respective departments.
The library has a collection of approximately 10000 books and journals, newsletters, periodicals, etc. mainly in different areas of development studies. The Reference Section comprises of Encyclopedias, Dictionaries and Annual publications etc.
English as a global language of communication has become an absolute necessity in the sphere of higher education. Hence, the students are given a sound knowledge of English to proceed up the academic career ladder. The courses are designed to improve the language skills of undergraduates to succeed socially, academically and professionally.
The CSU consists of following divisions and was established to attend matters connected to finance, student welfare, general maintenance and security of the Campus premises.
General Administration and Student Welfare section is under an Assistant Registrar. Duties connected to student and staff residence, Maintenance & Utility Services, Security and other general matters are performed by this Unit.
Finance Unit is responsible in making all payments and collect revenue due to the Campus. The general store is also under this unit for distributing articles, equipment and supplies required by Faculties, Departments and Units. A Bursar is in charge of the Unit.
The campus promotes the formation of various societies and associations at faculty-wise or discipline oriented or of general interests. Wherever possible, the campus will assist those activities. All associations formed will, therefore, be registered by the administration. Currently, the following societies are functioning at the level of faculty: Rational Thinkers Society
Two senior academic staff members have been appointed as Student Counselors of the faculty. Students are advised to get their assistance in times of personal difficulties.
ICT Center of the Campus has been designed to impart knowledge on Information Technology for students to meet the challenges in modern world by making use of computers in their relevant fields. The ICT Center is currently equipped with about 24 workstations to access the internet and for course work of the students of three departments.
Some information necessary for students is provided through the University web page ( Equipment including web and e-mail servers, multimedia projectors, laser printers, dot-matrix printers, ink-jet printers, scanners, digital cameras, a video camera and heavy-duty on-line UPS systems help the unit to provide all infrastructure necessary facilities to students. The regular opening hours of the unit are from 8.00 am to 5.00 pm; however, an extended service shall be provided upon request by the respective departments.
The library has a collection of approximately 10000 books and journals, newsletters, periodicals, etc. mainly in different areas of development studies. The Reference Section comprises of Encyclopedias, Dictionaries and Annual publications etc.
English as a global language of communication has become an absolute necessity in the sphere of higher education. Hence, the students are given a sound knowledge of English to proceed up the academic career ladder. The courses are designed to improve the language skills of undergraduates to succeed socially, academically and professionally.
The CSU consists of following divisions and was established to attend matters connected to finance, student welfare, general maintenance and security of the Campus premises.
General Administration and Student Welfare section is under an Assistant Registrar. Duties connected to student and staff residence, Maintenance & Utility Services, Security and other general matters are performed by this Unit.
Finance Unit is responsible in making all payments and collect revenue due to the Campus. The general store is also under this unit for distributing articles, equipment and supplies required by Faculties, Departments and Units. A Bursar is in charge of the Unit.
It's time for a new challenge...!!!
Are you good at mobile photography ???
Then this is to show your talents...
SANASA Campus Convocation 2022 will be held on 17th February 2023 at SANASA Campus auditorium, Kegalle.
A field survey was organized by the HEI SL Cell. Mawenella, Rambukkana and Aranayake areas were visited during this field...